1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? Closed.
2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels? Of course!
3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? In.
4. Have you stolen a street sign before? ..No.
5. Do you like to use post-it notes? No, only the ones on the computer.
6. Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? I never have coupons.
7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? A big bear!
8. Do you have freckles? In the summer.
9. Do you always smile for pictures? I do this crooked smile every time, almost like I haven't figured out I have teeth yet.
10. What is your biggest pet peeve? One of my biggest pet peeves are people with poor customer service. Is it that hard to be nice?
11. Do you ever count your steps when you walk? Sometimes.. making the time pass.
12. Have you peed in the woods? Of course. I've even peed in a half cut bottle in the backseat of a rented car back in Italy. It was a big traffic jam on the high way, and i was desperate.
13. Have you ever pooped in the woods? I believe I've done that too.
14. Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing? No, I rarely dance unless it's in the kitchen with som old radio 90's classics.
15. Do you chew your pens and pencils? yes.
16. How many people have you slept with this week? 0.
17. What size is your bed? Like a smaller dubbel bed.
18. What is your song of the week? Resten av ditt liv - Timbuktu.
Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvgzUqmaSWg
19. Is it OK for guys to wear pink? It's awesome, why not?
20. Do you still watch cartoons? If you're talkin' Disney classics, abso-fucking-lutely!
21. What is your least favorite movie? A movie that disappointed me was "500 days of summer". Idk, but that movie bored me to death.
22. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? nah.. It would be stupid of me to tell you.
23. What do you drink with dinner? Water! WATER!
24. What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Sweet n'sour sauce.
25. What is your favorite food? Sushi or dumplings.
26. What movies could you watch over and over again and still love? Every movie starring Robin Williams. <3
27. Last person you kissed/kissed you? A kiss on the cheek by mom.
28. Were you ever a boy/girl scout? Nope.
29. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? Nah.
30. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? 2 days ago.
31. Can you change the oil on a car? I don't even drive car.
32. Ever gotten a speeding ticket? -.-
33. Ever ran out of gas? -.-
34. What’s your favorite kind of sandwich? Chicken/pesto
35. Best thing to eat for breakfast? Dinner leftovers.
36. What is your usual bedtime? Impossible to say really.
37. Are you lazy? Yes.
38. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? Evil witch, nice witch, scary witch etc. Original as every other kid.
39. What is your Chinese astrological sign? Dog, 1994.
40. How many languages can you speak? 3. Swedish, Norwegian, English.
41. Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Nope
42. Which are better: legos or lincoln logs? Lincoln logs. More of a challenge.
43. Are you stubborn? Yes. Absolutely.
44. Who is better: Leno or Letterman? Letterman
45. Ever watch soap operas? Nope
46. Are you afraid of heights? No. I belong in the air.
47. Do you sing in the car? No, I get annoyed when people sing in the car.
48. Do you sing in the shower? Well.. my voice is always stunning in the shower.
49. Do you dance in the car? It's been too long.
50. Ever used a gun? I was 6 years old, and it was an old hunting riffle. Dad helped me so I wouldn't get hurt. We shot down some placed cans in our garden.
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? I was 10
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? They can be, but I like them.
53. Is Christmas stressful? Not if you plan ahead. Which I actually did this time.
54. Ever eat a pierogi? I have yes. My dads polish ex made some. It was a long time ago, but I remember my sister hated it.
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? blueberry/vanilla
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? A cheese-taster or a mermaid. Really torn between those two choices as a kid. haha
57. Do you believe in ghosts? I believe that some people can feel energy in a room.
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Often.
59. Do you take a vitamin daily? Try to take vitamin-D, but I often forgets.
60. Do you wear slippers? Yep!
61. Do you wear a bath robe? Yep, yep!
62. What do you wear to bed? Cozy pyjamas, or my naked body.
63. What was your first concert? Tokio Hotel
64. Walmart, Target, or Kmart? I will soon know, when I move to Florida.
65. Nike or Adidas? Nike
66. Cheetos or Fritos? ...
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Peanuts!
68. Ever hear of the group Tres Bien? nope
69. Ever take dance lessons? I and my sister took jazz dance lessons when we were kids.
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Something in the creative business.
71. Can you curl your tongue? Yes master.
72. Ever won a spelling bee? N-O-P-E!
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yes! I remember my mom picked me up after a hell day at school and told me we were going to disneyland(for the 10th time!)
74. Own any record albums? I have a record player, so yeah.
75. Own a record player? -.-
76. Do you regularly burn incense? No, but I have a lot laying around from my trips to Thailand.
77. Ever been in love? No, or maybe. How do you know it's love?
78. Who would you like to see in concert? Kaizers Orchestra
79. What was the last concert you saw? Lykke Li in London.
80. Hot tea or cold tea? Medium.. with milk.
81. Tea or coffee? TEA. The taste/smell of coffee makes me sick.
82. Sugar cookies or snicker doodles? Never tasted.
83. Can you swim well? I stay floating if that's what you mean.
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? yes
85. Are you patient? When I'm working with my art I am. Elsewhere; NO.
86. DJ or band at a wedding? Band
87. Ever won a contest? Yes. A lot of drawing contests.
88. Have you ever had plastic surgery? I'm all real.
89. Which are better: black or green olives? black
90. Can you knit or crochet? Not anymore.
91. Best room for a fireplace? Cozy livingroom, or in a big bedroom.
92. Do you want to get married? NO! If he wants to travel the world with me, that's more than enough.
93. If married, how long have you been married? -.-
94. Who was your high school crush? idk
95. Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? no.
96. Do you have kids? Nope.
97. Do you want kids? Someday, if it happens.
98. What is your favorite color? Green
99. Do you miss anyone right now? I miss the good times with this guy.
100. Have you lost someone? I lost my best friend in 2013. Line.
I found the list here:
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